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District Policy 2800 – Parent and Family Engagement Policy

2800 – Parent and Family Engagement Policy

 Parental Support Washington County School District – Adopted 4-14-94; Revised 12-11-18

1. Purpose:

The Board of Education of the Washington County School District believes parental engagement is an important part of each child’s educational program, and that such engagement may result in higher student achievement and better social behavior, in addition to more satisfaction for parents and teachers alike.

2. Policy:

The administration of each school within the District shall develop the necessary programs to ensure parental engagement in their children’s education.

3. Procedure:

3.1. Expect that parents shall provide a home environment that values education and send their children to school prepared to learn. 

3.2. Provide parents with the opportunity to be actively involved in their children’s education. 

3.3. Build consistent and effective communication between parents, teachers, and administrators. 

3.4. Provide information, instruction, and training to parents that will assist them in helping their children maintain academic success and support their academic efforts. 

3.5. Parental engagement as implemented pursuant to this policy is intended to be advisory to the administrators of the respective schools who are accountable and responsible for school programs. To encourage this involvement, open and honest communication without fear of retaliation toward any of the parties involved (students, parents, teachers, or administrators) is essential to the success of the education process. It is intended that members of committees formed to carry out the intent of this policy shall serve under the direction of the principals of the respective schools. 

3.6. The Board recognizes and acknowledges the existence of many programs in the schools of this District which provide for significant parental engagement. This policy is not intended to replace or effect a change in those existing programs except as may be determined from time to time by the respective schools.

3.7.  Title I – Parent and Family Engagement Plan

Title I Elementary schools will:

3.7.1.  Invite parents and family members to participate in the joint development of the District Title I plan that is updated annually;

3.7.2.  Invite parents to participate in the process of creating school support and improvement plans in Title I schools;

3.7.3.  Encourage parents to provide support and assistance in building the capacity of Title I schools in planning and implementing effective parent and family engagement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance;

3.7.4.  Coordinate and integrate parent and family engagement strategies under Title I with relevant federal, state, and local laws and programs;

3.7.5.  Invite parents and family members to conduct an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parent and family engagement policy which identifies:

     – barriers to engagement of parents, especially parents who are economically disadvantaged, disabled, of limited English or literacy proficiency, or of any racial or ethnic minority;

     – the needs that parents and families have that may prevent them from helping with their children’s learning and from engaging with school staff; and

     – strategies to support successful family-school interactions.

School Assessment Results

School Assessment Results


First Grade: 

Second Grade: 

Third Grade

Fourth Grade:

Fifth Grade:

Washington County School District Title 1 Page

Washington County School District Title 1 Page

Title I Director
Amy Mitchell
T: 435-673-3553 x 5174
Administrative Secretary
Peggy Horrocks
T: 435-673-3553 x 5171



The purpose of Title I is to support school efforts to ensure that all children meet challenging academic standards and have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. We accomplish this goal by providing supplementary resources such as additional teachers to lower class size, more technology to enhance instruction and more materials for student use to high poverty schools. These added resources are always in addition to what the district and state provide.

Title I provides flexible funding that allows schools to make site decisions on how to best serve their students. The additional funds can be used to lower class size, extend the school day, purchase technology, fund books or programs for children,  hold summer school, or provide additional training for teachers. Title I adds accountability to school administrators to ensure scientifically based instruction and challenging academic content for all children.


Title I is a federal education program that supports low income students throughout the nation. Funds are distributed to high poverty schools, as determined by the number of students who qualify for free or reduced lunch. The funds can be used to hire additional teachers or teaching assistants, to provide computers or software, to fund before, after and summer school programs, and to purchase additional materials or equipment.

Our school was selected because of the percentage of our students who qualify for free or reduced lunch and breakfast.

Because all of our Title I schools are designated as “school-wide” Title I schools, all children in the Title I schools are eligible for services. When data indicate the need for interventions either because of low performance or at-risk behaviors, any student is eligible for Title I services. Your child may qualify for tutoring, before or after school programs, technology support or a classroom with fewer children. They may also qualify to attend a Title I preschool. In addition, when Title I schools receive additional programs, they are available to all students for which they are designed regardless of their free or reduced lunch status.

All children in Title I schools benefit from the additional teachers and assistants. Because there are more adults to help children, all children receive more individualized and small group instruction. The goal of Title I services is to accelerate academic achievement so that all children meet or exceed state and federal standards of performance.

A major purpose of Title I is to increase the involvement of parents in a child’s education. Under Title I regulations, all schools receiving Title I funds have developed a compact, an agreement between the school and the parents. The compact is designed to help parents and teachers work together to provide the best possible education for each student. Parents have opportunities each fall to provide input and participate in the School/Parent Compact.

There are many ways to get involved in your child’s education. To begin, Title I funding is based on the percentage of children who qualify for free or reduced lunch. You can help your child’s school by filling out the Federal Lunch Program application online. You can also help by volunteering in your child’s classroom or by serving on the school Community Council. This committee makes decisions about school programs, safety, goals and how funds are used in your child’s school. To volunteer, contact the school office or school principal.

Title 1 Site Coordinator

Kari Ingram – gro.21khsaw@margni.irak